Debt Counselling with National Debt Counsellors 

As a leading debt counselling company, we as National Debt Counsellors take pride in our mission to rid South African citizens of their debt through our debt counselling services.   How Does Debt Counselling Work?  If you’re struggling to make your monthly debt repayments, you can apply for debt counselling with a registered debt counselling company […]

How Does Debt Counselling Work? 

With more than 10 million South Africans officially over-indebted, it’s safe to say that debt is a real problem. We’ve met many people who struggle to make ends meet every single month and don’t know how they’re going to cover their bills. When we speak about what we offer as debt counsellors, one of the […]

The Benefits of Debt Counselling in South Africa

debt counselling south africa

Could you imagine that over 10 million South Africans are grappling with overwhelming debt, constituting 40% of the present credit-active population? Regrettably, this is the harsh reality. The weight of debt is undeniably one of the most incapacitating and anxiety-inducing situations an individual can face. This is why debt counselling in South Africa is vital. Thankfully, […]

What is Debt Counselling? 

what is debt counselling

With the number of South African citizens who are over-indebted climbing above 10 million, there’s never been a more apt time to talk about debt counselling. The National Credit Act has provided this process to tackle this problem of debt and hopefully relieve some of the pressure that it puts on everyday citizens in our […]

The Benefits of Debt Review

benefits of debt review

Debt review is a legal process available to South African consumers. The process was created by the National Credit Act 34 of 2005 for those who are struggling to pay off their debts. Counselling provides a debt relief option as part of the process. This aims to help individuals who are over-indebted. It provides consumers […]

Navigating Debt Guidance & Management

debt guidance

Understanding and managing debt is an important life skill. Most South Africans must apply debt guidance and management measures in their day-to-day lives.   Navigating Debt Management: Tips and Strategies for a Debt-Free Life  Good debt management is needed to avoid the stress of uncontrolled debt, including being hounded by creditors, threats of furniture being repossessed, […]

How to Find Trustworthy NCR Debt Counsellors 

ncr debt counsellors

Being in debt is tough. It’s not a situation that is easy to combat or move forward from, especially if you try and do it alone. Anything in life is better (and easier) when done with others, and getting free from debt is no different. This is where debt counsellors come in, specifically NCR debt […]

How to Make Sure Debt Advisors Are Registered, and Not Fake

debt advisors

In South Africa, the issue of debt is a growing problem for many consumers. More and more people are struggling to manage their debt. Act sooner rather than later and give yourself some breathing space. Before you become over-indebted and can no longer pay creditors, get professional advice from debt advisors. Don’t run the risk […]

Regain Control of Your Finances With NCR Registered Debt Counsellors

NCR registered debt counsellors

NCR Registered Debt Counsellors: Helping You Regain Control of Your Finances Too much debt is a growing issue in South Africa. The debt problem is a complex one that needs more than one solution, such as financial education and better access to affordable credit. Stronger consumer protection laws may also be needed. The role of […]

Registered Debt Relief Programs to Solve Your Debt Crisis

Debt Relief Programs

Debt Relief Programs to Solve Your Debt Crisis Out-of-control debt continues to be a common issue faced by many individuals and families in South Africa. It can be overwhelming, causing stress and financial hardship. The growing size of the problem has led to the creation of several debt relief programs to help people regain control […]