The Debt Help You Need
Taking the brave step to get debt help can be daunting. It’s bad enough that debt itself cripples and causes a stress and anxiety overload, but to then seek help with solving the issue outside of yourself is another issue altogether. However, it’s the right thing to do. If you need help clearing your debt, […]
The Best Way to Clear Debt
Debt is one of the great plagues of our time, and as South Africans we know it all too well. As many as 10 million South Africans are burdened by over indebtedness, which means the pursuit to clear debt is one of huge importance. Fortunately, there is hope for you if you’ve been in the […]
How to be Debt Free in 6 Months
Have you ever been in a situation where you’d love an instant solution to a problem? Maybe you’re reading this because you’re looking for a quick solution to your debt. Unfortunately, getting out of debt is not an instant process, but if you’re wondering how to be debt free in 6 months, there might be […]
The Best Debt Solution in South Africa
As many as 10 million South Africans, or 40% of the credit-active population, find themselves burdened by unmanageable debt. This is a grim statistic, but true, nonetheless. For all this debt in our country, is there a solution? There must be. Fortunately, we know the best debt solution in South Africa. What is the Solution […]
The Debt Solution You’ve Been Looking For
Debt is one of the great problems of our time, and as South Africans we know it all too well. As many as 10 million South Africans are burdened by over-indebtedness, which means we need a solution. Fortunately, the debt solution that you’ve been looking for has been around for a long time. The Solution […]
The Benefits of Debt Counselling in South Africa
Could you imagine that over 10 million South Africans are grappling with overwhelming debt, constituting 40% of the present credit-active population? Regrettably, this is the harsh reality. The weight of debt is undeniably one of the most incapacitating and anxiety-inducing situations an individual can face. This is why debt counselling in South Africa is vital. Thankfully, […]
What is Debt Review?
We are often asked – what is debt review? Here we hope to answer this question effectively. Debt review, also known as debt counselling, is a South African debt management process regulated by the National Credit Act (NCA). It is specifically designed to help individuals who are over-indebted and struggling to manage their debt repayments. […]
What is Debt Review?
Debt review is a formal debt restructuring process for South Africans struggling to make ends meet at the end of each month. It was created under the National Credit Act 34 of 2005 (‘NCA’) and was the government’s answer to the rising problem of consumer debt and the chronic over-indebtedness that plagues many South Africans. […]
The Benefits of Debt Review
Debt review is a legal process available to South African consumers. The process was created by the National Credit Act 34 of 2005 for those who are struggling to pay off their debts. Counselling provides a debt relief option as part of the process. This aims to help individuals who are over-indebted. It provides consumers […]